
The Central Mississippi 500 Continuum of Care is made up of service organizations that provide direct, indirect or supportive services to homeless individuals and those at risk of becoming homeless, persons who advocate.
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What We Do

The Central Mississippi 500 Continuum of Care is made up of service organizations that provide direct, indirect or supportive services to homeless individuals and those at risk of becoming homeless, persons who advocate on behalf of the homeless and other individuals, groups, and organizations concerned with the welfare and needs of the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless.

Per HUD’s definition, the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promote access to and effect utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.


  • Develop and maintain a Continuum of Care for homeless services, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Warren and Copiah county service area;
  • Formalize working relationships among the agencies and others making up MS500COC;
  • Provide a strategy for setting and reaching the goals and objectives identified by the Continuum of Care;
  • Seek funding for projects that provide services, housing, and housing related services to the homeless and those at-risk of becoming homeless;
  • Administer any grants received to achieve these goals.


The Central MS COC reviews and prioritizes local applications for federal homeless program funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Additionally, we monitor local agencies’ management of HUD homeless program funds to ensure compliance with HUD requirements. View the FY2024-FY2025 CoC Program Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity here.

**Public Notice for CoC Application Process**

NOFO Application Resource List

2024 Central MS CoC Application Guidelines


2024 CoC Program Competition NOFO


2024 Reallocation Policy


2024 Scoring Tool for New Projects


2024 Scoring Tool for Renewal Projects


FY 2024 Central MS CoC Priority Listing



The Central MS CoC is governed by the following Board of Directors. The board of directors and officers are elected for three-year terms and are made up of nonprofit members, federal, state, local agency members, advocates, one formerly homeless member, faith-based organization members, ESG Recipients, and mental and/or medical health providers.

View the Central MS CoC Bylaws here.

Central MS CoC Staff
Melvin C. Stamps
Planning Director
Office: 601-969-1895
Email – mstamps@centralmscoc.org
Steven Pickett /AF
MS Center for Police & Sheriffs
Email – stevenpickett@yahoo.com
Vice Chair
Hynethia Richard /G
Community Bank
Email – Hynethia.Richard@communitybank.net
Dr. Phyllis Rhodes /AF
New Way Mississippi
Email – prhodes@newwaymiss.com
Melvin C. Stamps
CoC Planning Director
Email – mstamps@centralmscoc.org
Margaret Johnson /AEF
Voice of Calvary Ministries
Email – margaretjohnson@vocm.org
R. Chantel Maye /BHJ
Department of Veteran Affairs
Email – rose.maye@va.gov

Cynthia Lynch /B
City of Jackson
Email – clynch@jacksonms.gov
Reggie Wiggins /D
Opportunity Center, Stewpot Community Services
Email – rwiggins@stewpot.org
Mary Huard /D
Email – misalatt2@gmail.com

Eva Jones /CJ
Butterflies By Grace Defined By Faith
Email - evajustice5@hotmail.com

Maya Thompson /H
Email – mayat003@hotmail.com

Sergeant Fredrick Suttles /I
Jackson Police Department
Email – rsuttles@jacksonms.gov

Aleicha Carter /AK
Carter's Compassionate
Email – cctash2018@gmail.com

Tara Steverson /J
MS Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Email - tara.steverson@mcadv.org

Daffiney Williams /G
809 Building
Email - 809stateleasing@uaginc.com

Directors and Officers are elected for three-year terms.
Member Type:
A) nonprofit organizations
B) federal, state, or local government agencies
C) advocate for homeless people
D) homeless or formerly homeless person
E) faith-based organizations
F) ESG Recipient
G) affordable housing providers
H) mental and/or medical health providers
I) law enforcement agencies
j) veteran service providers
j) domestic violence service providers and/or survivors
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Care that keeps caring

We are working tirelessly to eradicate homelessness in Mississippi. Join us in helping to make homelessness a thing of the past in our great state. Together, we can!